Have you ever asked yourself - why do professional sports exist? What is the reason for it? Interesting question.. at the end of this post we'll tell you what we think ..
So.. when you play competitive sports your entire life, and you watch it on a daily basis for 30 years in a row.. you start to develop a specific eye and understanding for the details and nuances of the game.. you learn what players and teams are capable of doing, their average skill level, and the greatness they have in them on a nightly basis .. but every now and then, you see players and teams do things that are “out of character” and “inconsistent” with their game, far below their average; it makes you scratch your head and say, “huh” .. and to the untrained, unaware eye, you chalk it up as "ahh they're just having an off night" ..unfortunately we're here to tell you, that couldn't be further from the truth..
You can probably guess where we're going with this .. which is fixed and rigged outcomes .. when this topic arises most people have a knee jerk, emotional reaction with phrases like “nah you're crazy man, these players would never do that” .. well guess what, the sad reality is they don't have a choice if they want to keep their job, consider professional athletes the highest paid controlled slaves on earth. These athletes work for the leagues and owners, they are controlled, and they are unable to speak out against the corruption. I use the term unable loosely of course, they have free will, but why would they jeopardize all their money, fame, recognition, and lifestyle they've worked so hard their entire life to achieve?
Another argument often made is that when someone hears games are rigged, they think the person is arguing every single game, and every single play is fixed which also is inaccurate, that would be impossible to do, and also it would be easily noticed, thus making it not very entertaining, which is ultimately the number one goal of the matrix, entertainment; just as they're legally classified in a court of law, an entertainment product.
So there is a middle ground here; think of it like this, all games are genuine and fair competition unless one factor comes into play, which of course is .. yup, you guess it.. the money.. a lot more on this later
However, there are a couple key distinctions that need to be made, the way the games are rigged is extremely subjective, which is how Vegas has been able to get away with it for so long, let's step through some examples to help you understand how this is done:
- Are you able to genuinely argue if a wide receiver purposefully dropped a pass, or a QB purposefully overthrew his target? of course not..
- What about an NHL goalie pretending to be screened, missing a save.. ah man he let in a goal.. bummer
- A call to the bullpen to ensure the closer is throwing meatballs right down the middle. ever heard of PitchCom? the digital device that the pitcher and catcher use to communicate which pitch to throw.. are you able to guarantee that the batters don't have access to this info too? nope, you aren't
- What about the juiced baseballs and bats vs. dead baseballs..
- Magnetic basketballs and rims in the NBA/CBB? yikes..
- The announcers swaying public opinion by focusing only on the things they want you to focus on..
- Don't even get me started on the ambiguous rule definitions in each sport that give power to the referee's which ultimately effect the outcome of the game.. holding/pass interference calls in the NFL, fouls in the NBA, the strike zone in the MLB .. penalties in the NHL.. all these things are used as a recipe for the perfect control system to give Vegas the outcome they need, IF they need it.
- I could give 50 more examples of subjective examples across all major sports that will always be open for debate which is exactly how they need it to be, otherwise if it was black & white, there will be no option for controlling the outcome
It's a tough pill to swallow for die-hard fans, I get it.. they just don't want to hear it or believe it, and for millions of people, sports is their only escape from reality..
However, the astronomical rise in sports gambling over the past couple years in the United States has made people start to question the integrity of things.. the feeling of “something isn't moral about this”.. mid-game advertisements by the announcers to place a bet? Are you kidding me?
The legalization of sports betting in the USA has only further jeopardized the integrity of professional sports; what we're watching out there is not genuine competition, it's all just fake entertainment to distract the masses.
“Give them bread and circus and they will never revolt.” — Juvenal, a poet in Ancient Rome.
There are deeper levels to this as well aside from just money, but we won't go into fame, recognition and energy harvesting right now. we'll leave those conversations for another day.
Allow us to now answer the question “why do sports exist?” .. well, they certainly wouldn't exist if they couldn't be controlled.
Alas, this is our why, to awaken the sheep and expose a multi-billion dollar corrupt industry, and make some money doing it.
We hinted at this earlier, so now the question becomes, what's the easiest way to expose the corruption.. ?
Always follow the money.