
People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it

We're on a mission to awaken and empower sports bettors with information that Vegas doesn't want you to know

Members only

In sports betting, you either win, or you learn.

Blockchain Bets is not another sports handicapping service. We don't analyze line movement, we don't look at matchup history, and we don't care about historical records.


Because none of it matters.

When everyone is thinking the same, no one is thinking. Do what you've always done, and get what you've always got.

Read our blog to learn exactly who we are and what we stand for.

Our Values

When we slowly came to the realization and awakening that all major sports were fixed, we decided to do something about it.

Data Analysis

We have years of public betting, the most accurate data in the industry.


Nobody has the data we have, which means nobody has the betting systems we have.

Direct Action

When you trust your data, your conviction skyrockets. The house always wins.

Meticulous Notes

We take notes on every game and we're constantly refining our systems to maximize profits.

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Members only

This data and information is only available to those who qualify. Successful people understand... if you're great at something, never do it for free.

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