
The Illusion of Integrity

What's the greatest lie every told?

It's not that simple.

NFL Anti-Trust Exemption

The matrix needs to you believe all sports are fair and regulated. They do not want you to know the NFL possesses an Anti-Trust Exemption to the law granted to it by President John F. Kennedy, which ultimately allows the NFL to classify itself as "entertainment" rather than sport, as well as incorporate itself as a single entity instead of the 32 separate "franchises" they would want you to believe. Contrary to the perception of the NFL being 32 separate franchises battling it out for gridiron supremacy. In a franchised environment, such as McDonalds (Business 101), each franchise is individually owned and operated and can participate in national promotions, have its own local promotions, or abstain from participating (hence the fine print in commercials saying "at participating locations".

This keeps the regionality of competition in tact without having to compete on a national level. MLB has this status, the NFL does not. Instead, since the NFL has this Anti-Trust exemption, it is able to package its teams in order to sell to national television companies, which today totals $6 Billion in revenue for the league. That is 75% of the leagues total annual revenue. In a 2004 lawsuit vs the NFL, the NFL attorney Gregg H. Levy argued that "the NFL is not a collection of 32 individual teams, but rather a single entity. And as long as the NFL teams are a unit, and they compete as a unit in the entertainment marketplace, then they should be deemed a single unit and not subject to any Anti-Trust laws."

There is only another "sports" organization that I can think of that follows this, the WWE. Levy also argued that the league markets its products and merchandise as a whole to promote the NFL as a whole. These arguments led all the way to lockout during the 2011 offseason. The league would still earn $5 Billion in revenue, even without a single game being played.

Professional sports is the only industry without ANY federal oversight. Therefore the league can do and go as they see fit, this is something the players were concerned about going into the lockout, the NFL players themselves sought help from US Congress asking for oversight of the NFL. And NFL players wanted an explanation as to why the NFL owners were granted an An

ti-Trust exemption in the first place. They didn't get it.

The NFL proved in this lawsuit that they see themselves as a single unit in the "entertainment" industry and the unique league revenue sharing strategy is not common amongst professional sports leagues.

Is The NFL Broken Because It's Fixed?

Obviously, we've all heard the phrase Follow The Money, but I can guarantee most people aren't actually following the money (FTM) when it comes to sports betting.. or they think they are, but in reality they aren't.

Let's step through this, boiling it down as simple as possible at a high level, what FTM actually means.

Step 1 — The Game

All professional sports games have betting lines attached to them. An underdog and favorite. This is called the spread.

Step 2 — The Spread

Will Team A cover the spread, or will Team B cover the spread. You bet money on the spread. Which side do you want to bet your money on?

Step 3 — The Money

Where you decided to bet your money is the only thing that matters, Team A or B. Now multiple the amount of money you bet by thousands.. and millions.. of other people just like you.. on every professional sporting event that has ever occurred.. understand? This is the money we are following, your money, and everyone else's, nothing else matters.

Step 4 — Nothing Else Matters

This step is the hardest for the “Average Joe Sports Bettor” to accept. It took us years to come to this realization ourselves .. nothing else matters. I don't care who's the home team, away team, what injuries each side has, the weather, the coaches, each teams record, the history of the matchup, statistics, who's hot, who's cold..

All of the above and much more is purposefully used as a distraction. The non-stop 24/7/365 sports entertainment world. The matrix. Sucks you in, stuck in the woods so you can barely see past the tree's in front of you. Well, I'm here to help you zoom out so you can see the entire forest.
